Patches only one file: linux/net/ipv4/ip_fw.c

How to apply (example for kernel 2.2.12):

cd linux/net/ipv4/

zcat location-of-patchfile/ftp-data-2.2.12.gz | patch -p0

(or, if already decompressed, use 'cat' instead of 'zcat')

Dynamic FTP-data connection rules (for the PORT-command, not for PASV,

because the latter is not that critical for security).

It is now possible to block _everything_ except for connections to port

21@ftp-server, the necessary data-connections are allowed through 'on

demand', i.e. the code scans for the ftp PORT-command and creates a

dynamic rule that allows the data connection in. This rule times out like

masquerading rules.

How: create a chain 'ftp-data' with command 'ipchains -N ftp-data'. You

cannot create/delete/replace rules in this chain, but you enable the above

patch. If this chain doesn't exist - no dynamic rules. 'ipchains -F|-Z'

will work on this chain, however. That's it. Now test it: block everything

except for (remote) destination port 21. Start an ftp session and watch

'ipchains -L', how a new rule in chain ftp-data automagically appears when

you issue an ftp command that needs a data connection. The timeout values are

built-in, I choose 60 seconds for FIN seen and 180 seconds during the

connection. You can change it in the source of ip_fw.c in the two lines that

define the constants IP_FW_FTPDATA_TIMEOUT (to 3 minutes) and

IP_FW_FTPDATA_FIN_TIMEOUT (set to 1 minute).

It's the work of two days. The code is not as ugly as I feared. The patch

looks bigger than it really is because I moved a big function

(ip_fw_check) to another location inside the file.

Packets are tested against ftp-data rules before all others. Tested are

only: src/dst IP and port and protocol. Those 5 values describe exactly

one connection, always and everywhere, and we already know we want to let

it through.

The comming netfilter code will be the clean solution, I hope, but I

need it NOW, so I wrote it.

Request from a user:

> Request: can we drop the "Packets are tested against ftp-data rules

> before all others" bit so we can call the ftp-data rule from wherever we

> want to in our rule-set (OK, I'm paranoid ;-)?

Done in this version of the patch.

Now you need a firewall rule that references ftp-data, or no return packets

are allowed in. In the original version of the patch dynamic rules in

the ftp-data chain bypassed all other rules, this is no longer the case.

No complaints so far, and I still think this subject is relevant for all

of them, but you never know...

Example of my rules used for testing this time,

connections from test-host ( to one test ftp server (

(output as stored by command 'ipchains-save')

:input ACCEPT

:forward ACCEPT

:output ACCEPT

:ftp-data -

-A input -s 21:21 -d -i eth1 -p 6 -j ACCEPT ! -y

-A input -s 20:20 -d -i eth1 -p 6 -j ftp-data

-A input -s -d -i eth1 -p 6 -j REJECT

-A output -s -d 21:21 -i eth1 -p 6 -j ACCEPT

-A output -s -d 20:20 -i eth1 -p 6 -j ftp-data

-A output -s -d -i eth1 -p 6 -j REJECT

Comment: "-p 6" means TCP in the two reject-rules


Michael Hasenstein

Private Pilot (ASEL) since 1998


Thanks to Wolfgang Breyha <> for porting the patch

to kernel 2.2.12.

Thanks to Marcos Tadeu von Lützow <> for providing

a version for kernel 2.2.14.

Just heard it (2.2.14 version) works for 2.2.16 out of the box.